A short message to my readers:

Welcome to my blog! As you will soon discover, this is a personal blog, mostly about my life, where I've been, and where I'm going. Many of my readers may well be people who have known me for a long time, and at some points during this journey, certain facts or events may make those people feel uncomfortable. I do apologize for any of these instances in advance, and I humbly ask all of my readers to be kind and censor themselves.

In short, any rude, angry, or "disappointed" comments are discouraged.

Keep in mind that this is an artistic process, and with that in mind, constructive criticism of the work itself is encouraged.

Happy reading!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

About my (unintentional) Leave of Absence

The blog posts dried up two weeks ago when my poor computer went into the shop. These last few weeks have been full of confusion and heart ache at not having my beloved computer. I am sure that you, lone reader, have suffered the same heart ache at not getting my blog posts for the last two weeks (haha), so I am here to tell you that I am BACK IN BUSINESS!

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