A short message to my readers:

Welcome to my blog! As you will soon discover, this is a personal blog, mostly about my life, where I've been, and where I'm going. Many of my readers may well be people who have known me for a long time, and at some points during this journey, certain facts or events may make those people feel uncomfortable. I do apologize for any of these instances in advance, and I humbly ask all of my readers to be kind and censor themselves.

In short, any rude, angry, or "disappointed" comments are discouraged.

Keep in mind that this is an artistic process, and with that in mind, constructive criticism of the work itself is encouraged.

Happy reading!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

SHAMELESS PLUG!! Meet "The Spoiler"!

Since I plan on writing a series called Spoiled on the relationship between my maternal grandmother and myself, I thought you all should get to know her. I'd like to introduce you to her blog, http://cachingontheroad.blogspot.com/ She blogs about her travels with my grandpa in their RV. Soon you'll be hearing my side of the story, so I suggest you brush up on grandma knowledge.


Across the Country With Your Eyes Closed

I know, I'm terrible...but what's a college girl to do when school lets out for the summer? Sleep in of course! And also carry on two jobs and freelance work...So I'm posting late today, and I seem to have forgotten all about last week (finals week) entirely! Shame on me...however, until I can get my gears working again, here's a piece from my CNF class: an assignment to cover our "Seven Wonders of the World".

Seven Wonders

Tuesday, May 10, 2011



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Spoiled (part I)

Note: I have decided that I really like the quality the Scribd documents give the pieces I write, so I've decided to submit most of them through Scribd and post them here using the embed method. I apologize to my readers who may not be able to access the pieces as easily if they are using a mobile device to read the blog. Additionally, I would like to mention that when viewing on Scribd you should be able to download the pieces and print them out, and I encourage my readers to do so as I believe that it may give a different feel to the writing.
Another Note: I have mentioned in the following piece that this is part of a series I intend to begin, although I cannot guarantee that one piece of the series will be posted every week. Please be patient with this endeavor, and without further ado....Enjoy!
